21 Feb 2021 | Women's ultrarunning history |
An ultramarathon in a shopping mall In 1984, Peter Goodsell of the Road Runners Club1 hit upon the idea of staging a 24-hour race in a shopping centre. The Central Milton Keynes shopping centre, which had opened in 1979, was the longest shopping mall in the world. The...
7 Feb 2021 | Running after fifty |
** Guest post ** I am very pleased to share this article by Ais North who started running at 64 in 2014 and soon found out that her preferred distance was ultras. Ais is one of a small number of women over 60 who are challenging ageist attitudes about the physical...
26 Jan 2021 | Women's endurance running history |
The subtitle of Ally Beaven’s book, “Broken”, is “2020: the year running records were rewritten”. 2020, our first year of living with Covid-19, was a year when plans were thrown in the bin and runners looked for new ways of motivating themselves to keep running and...
2 Dec 2020 | Women's endurance running history, Women's ultrarunning history |
“The organisers dubbed this race “Hell in Paradise”. I am sure that when they coined this phrase they never anticipated how right they would be.” The 1994 Telecom Tasmania seven-day stage race lived up to its nickname in more ways than one. Eleven of the 27 starters...
18 Oct 2020 | Running and the menopause |
Earlier this year I interviewed ultrarunning adventurer Nikki Love about how the menopause has affected her running. Since 2016, Nikki has been undertaking ultra distance adventures, starting with the JungleUltra, a 5-day race through the Amazon jungle in Peru. In...