29 Jul 2016 | Blog, Interviews with women runners over 50 |
I met Christine Heaton when I joined Holme Pierrepont Running Club five years ago. I soon realised that Christine was a fast runner. And it seemed she was getting faster. In 2015 at the age of 50 Christine ran a sub-20 minute parkrun (5 km), a time which placed her in...
9 Mar 2016 | Blog, Interviews with women runners over 50 |
Did your life change at 50? Karen Parkin started running shortly after her 50th birthday and says, “It’s the best thing I ever did.” The data from Sport England’s Active People Survey suggest that Karen is not alone in taking up running in her fifties. In the nine...
23 Feb 2016 | Blog, Interviews with women runners over 50 |
As a runner in my fifties, who hopes to carry on running into old age, what can I learn from women who have continued to run through their fifties, and into their sixties and seventies? There are very few women over 64 running in the UK. According to the latest Sport...
9 Dec 2015 | My running story |
I am still reflecting on what I have learnt from my half marathon challenge. The main lesson is that running really is about mind over matter. It’s the psychological side rather than the physical side that was truly challenging. Why was I doing this? Was it...
19 Jul 2015 | Blog, My running story |
I’ve now reached the milestone of 10 races completed for my half marathon challenge. Some of them have been good, some have been OK and one was bad. One thing I’ve realised in the past 10 months is that however competitive I am getting a personal best time does not...