16 Aug 2017 | My running story |
On 9th August, I competed in an open track and field event for the first time. I ran a 1500 metre race for the first time. But just a few days before I almost pulled out of it. At 54, was I too old for track? First forays into track running I was not a complete track...
9 Mar 2016 | Blog, Interviews with women runners over 50 |
Did your life change at 50? Karen Parkin started running shortly after her 50th birthday and says, “It’s the best thing I ever did.” The data from Sport England’s Active People Survey suggest that Karen is not alone in taking up running in her fifties. In the nine...
23 Feb 2016 | Blog, Interviews with women runners over 50 |
As a runner in my fifties, who hopes to carry on running into old age, what can I learn from women who have continued to run through their fifties, and into their sixties and seventies? There are very few women over 64 running in the UK. According to the latest Sport...
10 Jul 2015 | Blog, Running after fifty |
More and more women in England are running and it’s not just young women who’ve caught the running bug. A year ago I looked at the Sport England Active People Survey for 2012/13 and concluded that there were nearly one million women running in the UK. The...
5 Mar 2014 | Blog, Running after fifty |
6.8 million women in England take part in sport regularly. How many of them are runners? I’ve worked out that just under 837,000 women are running in England – nearly 4% of all women aged 16 and over. If we apply the same percentage to the UK population...