1 Aug 2021 | Running after fifty |
** Guest post ** Christine Oldfield writes about her experience of competing against world class masters athlete, Angela Copson, at the British Masters Athletics Federation 10km Championships in 2019. My friend and fellow Holme Pierrepont Running Club member Christine...
21 Feb 2021 | Women's ultrarunning history |
An ultramarathon in a shopping mall In 1984, Peter Goodsell of the Road Runners Club1 hit upon the idea of staging a 24-hour race in a shopping centre. The Central Milton Keynes shopping centre, which had opened in 1979, was the longest shopping mall in the world. The...
26 Jan 2021 | Women's endurance running history |
The subtitle of Ally Beaven’s book, “Broken”, is “2020: the year running records were rewritten”. 2020, our first year of living with Covid-19, was a year when plans were thrown in the bin and runners looked for new ways of motivating themselves to keep running and...
10 Jul 2019 | Running after fifty |
**Guest post** I’m delighted to feature this article from my friend and fellow club member Christine Oldfield. Her running story started more than 30 years ago and, now in her seventies, Christine is definitely a runner with staying power....
7 Mar 2019 | Popular articles, Running after fifty |
In January I added three women to my list of running bloggers over 50. I noticed that all three of them are ultrarunners. Alene Nitzky, from Colorado USA, has been running ultras since 1991 and has run the Badwater 135 race twice. Carolin Botterill, from Alberta...