Madeleine Wells

Madeleine Wells

In February this year the parkrun organisation reported that over 50s had run 2 million miles at UK parkruns in 2015.  Their data show that parkrun is encouraging people over 50 to become more active, and it is helping people of all ages to start running. It was at...
Karen Parkin

Karen Parkin

Did your life change at 50? Karen Parkin started running shortly after her 50th birthday and says, “It’s the best thing I ever did.” The data from Sport England’s Active People Survey suggest that Karen is not alone in taking up running in her fifties. In the nine...
Sandy Poole

Sandy Poole

As a runner in my fifties, who hopes to carry on running into old age, what can I learn from women who have continued to run through their fifties, and into their sixties and seventies? There are very few women over 64 running in the UK. According to the latest Sport...
Faster at fifty?

Faster at fifty?

This post is about my experience of running in a milestone year.  Could I be faster at fifty? In May 2013 I reached a half century and my feelings about this were very much linked to running.  Running has given me the feeling that I can start something new; I can do...

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